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Student Council

New Boston Middle School Student Council Constitution


Article I

The name of this organization shall be the New Boston Middle School Student Council.

Article II


The purpose of this organization shall be:

1. To foster a spirit of cooperation among students and faculty.

2. To promote and encourage activities for the best interest of the school.

3. To develop good citizens and leaders through experience in government

4. To provide a means for student expression, and

5. To encourage student involvement.

Article III

Section I All members of the Student Council have certain powers guaranteed by the Constitution.

1. They have a right to recommend committees on the appropriate level.

2. Recommendations for anything of student concern in the building.

3. Student publicity

4. Application of the Constitution to the school during the year.

5. Holding executive meetings and reporting them.

6. Administration of elections.

7. Constitutional proposals and changes.

8. Fundraising.

9. Cooperation with faculty or advisor to perform tasks not guaranteed in the Constitution.

Section 2- Members of the Student Council have guaranteed rights but can be overruled by the principal. The principal has veto power to eliminate any proposition he/she feels is not beneficial to the school.

Article IV

All members of the Student Council must maintain an acceptable conduct average in order to run for and to hold office. Also, student council members must have a 77 academic average for the preceding semester.

Article V

The Student Body of New Boston Middle School shall elect the members of the Student Council for a term of one year, during a designated election week assigned by the principal or advisor of the Council. Candidates shall be allowed to campaign three days prior to voting. Voting shall be conducted through a ballot, and the election committee and executive board shall determine all general details of the election.

Candidates for the election of a Student Council Executive Office must be a current representative from the 8th grade.

Student Council appointments shall be made by the Student Council President, in consultation with the Student Council Executive Council, and the approval of the advisor.

Article VI


Section 1-Membership

The Student Council shall be made up of 10 representatives of the 8th Grade, 5 representatives of the 7thGrade, and 5 representatives of the 6th Grade.  In the event of a ballot tie an additional representatives may be added.  In the event of a tie and the additional representative total exceeds the recommended number plus 3 or more a run off election will be held. 

Section 2 - Officers 

The executive officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The campus electoral will fill these positions and the candidate receiving the highest votes will become president.  The other office positions will be filled by ballot total with each office as listed in this document and in the order listed with the next highest vote total being assigned such offices.

Section 3 – Officer Election Ties

In the event of a tie when assigning Officer positions the 8th grade membership will determine by ballot the order.  The winner will become the highest position and the second party will become the next lower office if available. 

A. Duties of the President-The President shall preside at all Student Council meetings, call special meetings when necessary, appoint all standing and special committees, be the chairman of the elections committee, represent the Council on all occasions, and assume all other duties generally associated with this office.

B. Duties of the Vice-President-The Vice –President shall assume the duties of the president in case of his absence or disability. It shall be the duty of the VP to keep order in meetings, prepare devotions for certain assemblies, and represent the Council on all occasions.

C. Duties of the Secretary-The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the Council and provide a bulletin, published when necessary, to be posted in homerooms. At the close of the school year the minute book shall be filed by the secretary in the Student Council files. In addition, the secretary shall carry on correspondence of the Student Council and shall keep a record of attendance as well as represent the Council on all occasions.

D. Duties of the Treasurer- The Treasurer shall work closely with the Advisor to reconcile all fundraisers as well as giving a financial report at Student Council meetings. At the close of school year a final financial report will be given to the Principal and one placed in the Student Council records. The Treasurer will also work closely with all committees in order to relay monetary needs to the Advisor. The Treasurer will represent the Council on all occasions.

Section 3 - Vacancies

The Student Council president, with approval of the council and advisor, shall be empowered to fill any Student Council Executive vacancy. Appropriate class vacancies shall be filled by the majority vote of the representatives with the approval of the council and the advisor. In the case of the vacancy of the president, the vice-president becomes president.

Section 4 - Nominations and Elections

The members of the Student Council shall be elected by a ballot for the term of one year. The elections committee, executive board, and the advisor shall determine all general details of the elections.

Section 5 - Committees

a. The following standing committees shall be appointed each year when necessary by the student council president. : Constitution, elections, human relations, publicity, and student involvement. 

b. Special committees may be organized as necessary.

Article VII


The Student Council shall meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday. The Council will meet as necessary at the discretion of the President and advisor. The President with the approval of the advisor may call a special meeting.

Article VIII


There shall be one or more faculty advisors selected by the principal.

Article IX


A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a simple majority of the council.

Article X


In all matters not specifically covered by this constitution, the parliamentary authority shall be "Robert’s Rules of Order."

Article XI


The constitution of the Student Council of New Boston Middle School shall be proposed by a 2/3 vote of the Student Council and shall be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the student body participating on the day of voting. Any regulation passed by the Student Council concerning the New Boston Middle School is subject to approval by the Principal.